Cypripedium Kentuckiense Female X Cypripedium pubescens Male Hybrid

General Information

The seed of this hybrid was generated by crossing Cyp. Kentuckiense Female (from Fraser Thimble Farms (origin unknown) X Cyp. pubescens HSP male plant.


Plating Media: R medium+ 2 uM metatopolin + 4, 1 cm3  cubes Russet potato sliced into quarters, 45 mins. 0.525% Chlorox bleaching. The seeds were plated on 150 mm diameter petri dishes containing 100 ml of plating media. Plates were sealed with parafilm and incubated in the dark.


The seed was plated on 12/30/2011.The two plates were checked on 2/24/12 showed excellent germination.


Number of Days between Plating and Replating:  approximately 57 days



Replating Media:  Three replating media were used:

1) F522 medium + 1, 1 cm3 potato cube sliced in quarters + 20 ml/l pineapple juice + 100 m fine charcoal +  1.5g/l culture gel


2) F522 medium + 1, 1 cm3 potato cube sliced in quarters + 20 ml/l pineapple juice + no charcoal + 1.5 g/l culture gel

3)  R medium +  1, 1 cm3  potato cube sliced into quarters + no charcoal + 1.5 g/l culture gel


All media were adjusted approximately to pH 5.6. The protocorms were replated into wide mouth pint jars containing 200 ml of media, 20 protocorms per pint jar. The replates were replated on 2/24/2012 and 3/01/2012.  Replates were incubated in the dark at room temperature ( probably 22-26 o C).


The replates were deflasked on Oct. 10 and Oct. 12, 2012.  All three media yield very good results.  The best media was replate media #2 above. The seedlings showed nice shoots up to 3/4 inches tall and numerous long roots up to 4 inches long and the roots were quite stout.  There was no signs of phenolic compounds being secreted by the roots (brown color).  Media #1 above really gave as good as results as media #2 but there appears to be no reason to add charcoal because of the lack of phenolic compounds.  Media # 3 also gave very good results but the roots were thinner than those of media #2.  No phenolic compounds in Media #3.  Media #2 is recommended.


Number of Days between Replating and Beginning of Vernalization: 229 days with media #2.


Number of Days between start and end of Vernalization: 145 days (Oct. 10 to March 15)




Date to Initiate Plating: Dec. 30



Date to Replate:  Feb. 24


Date to start to Vernalize:  October 10



Final Results after Vernalization and growth under lights:


The vernalized seedlings were planted out in black tubs (from Home Depot) containing the Calanthe growing mix.  Growth was excellent after 1 summer. Very little mortality. These plants were planted at my Ocean Shores location.


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